Dali Krab: Alternate Genesis by Justynn Tyme / 2006 In the studio, while the chai steam rises, smothering the windows. Once basted with paint but now partial scraped clean... It moves, weighing just a tenth of a ton. Sucking the air like a hoover, it lumbers towards the artist. A fuzzy slipper is exposed through a frayed sneaker-tip. It moves, closer and closer. The rhythmic tapping on the floor from the tame foot makes it squirm. It mounts an ottoman like island and whines with filter fingers in full flutter. Swiveling wildly as if blinded by the light. Visions of a semi-soft objects yield to excavating ants. Dali's foot, a ladle dangling in bisque and the crab is submerged. It is floating. "Master." A voice pings out to Gola's ears. In the world wide web now the Dali Krab makes its way through css frames. The OTHERS arrive. All touch feelers, its a convention with flicks, phones, and baritones. The minor crabbites, unlike the kracken cannot assimilate Dali mustache. They deliberate and board their craft in pace. He is Dalikrab. His peepers rolls about as the OTHERS dig deep. Searching for aquatic woolly bears to paste to their exoskeletons. They wish to mate with ART, as well. |